dimarts, 24 de març del 2020

Problemes per a entrar als blogs i/o fer comentaris a les entrades.

Benvolgudes famílies:

Hem detectat que qualcuns de vosaltres teniu problemes per entrar als blogs d'aula o per fer comentaris a les entrades que el professorat va publicant.
Qualcuns d'aquests errors pareixen estar determinats pel navegador emprat per accedir-hi.
Si estau tenint aquests problemes, provau de fer servir el navegador de Chrome; si el problema persisteix, posau-vos en contacte amb l'escola per correu electrònic.
Fins aviat.

1 comentari:

  1. Aduccion de niño Shane Sierra y Stefan Sierra Hello
    My name is Francisco Sierra i am the biological father of Shane and Stefan Sierra
    Both of my sons have been abducted by my exwife Patricia Yanett Veloso and relocated to Palma Mallorca i am sending out emails to schools to help me bring them back home where they belong
    If they are enroled in your school system please let me know so i can contact the proper authorities.
    Whomever reads this would really be congributing if you can spred the word around to other schools and staff.
    Thank you for your time
    Francisco Sierra
    God Bless
